Brinja can happily announce the new collaboration with Tuve Bygg and project Bergsfallet out on Hisingen, Gothenburg. Project Bergsfallet consists of 87 condominiums that Tuve Bygg is building for Balder real estate. Bergfallet is one of seven houses being built on Långströmsgatan, which in the future will be called Långströmsallén. The project consists of both condominiums, rental apartments, BmSS accommodation for those who need extra help and two parking garages.
Bergfallet has taken in three of Brinja's services: Energy-saving Light Control, Smart Quality Measurements and Automated Concrete Measurement.
Interview with Thomas Nygårds, site manager at Bergsfallet.
"By Anna Rundgren contacting Erik Linder, work manager at Tuve Bygg who then briefed me and Oskar Ahlberg on Brinja. After meeting Anna and getting a review of the Brinja ecosystem, we chose the sensors and solutions that suited the project. What attracted Brinja's services was the simplicity of the system, they can be sat at home on the sofa and control the different components as well as have an overview of different parts and parts during the project without having to be physically in place".
Bergsfallet is the first customer to have taken in the automated concrete measurement service. By casting the sensor directly into the concrete, the measurements are then given moisture content, temperature and strength directly into the mobile. The strength is calculated according to the temperature curve and the concrete recipes used. In this way, Tuve Bygg can work proactively and take action 6 - 8 weeks earlier than with manual measurements. Concrete is an interesting and living material with many different stages before it takes its final form.
"I find it difficult to see risks and problems with concrete, I see more opportunities. In the long term, it is an environmentally friendly material, is soundproofing and resists the pressure of nature. The critical positions may occur when the wrong values are displayed when measuring and problems such as moisture damage may occur. Here, Brinja's inset sensors help us to work climate smart, prevent problems and have the right controlled climate."
Bergsfallet also has the service Smart Quality Measurements where they measure temperature and humidity via sensors in the air that are automatically calculated on whether it is in line with the desired dehydration curve (Moisture supplement). If it doesn't go according to plan, alerts are sent so that site management can work proactively and take action before there actually gets a problem.
"Before Brinja's systems and services, most of it was done manually. For us, it is incredibly important to keep track of the different metrics, especially temperature, humidity and moisture supplements when dehydrating new production. This is absolutely crucial if we are to be able to follow the timetable and the different steps. We make quality measurements to gain control of the construction and the process. Thanks to this, it also gives us a calmness in our daily work and can instead focus on problem solving and take the work forward".
"Incredibly important. We believe in working climate smart in everything we do and light control helps us to streamline the environmental impact. We can have the right light at the right time, which is of the utmost importance. If we are not in place or in certain areas, the light should not be on, we want to ensure that we have light where we need light. Being able to put timers and schedules in the app is incredibly smooth and saves us both time and money".
The rock fall can reduce its energy consumption by up to 50% by setting digital timers and schedules when the light should be on and off.
"Digitalization, bring it on! I believe in working with a mix of people who are young, old and from different backgrounds. This is how we learn to develop and digitalisation is part of this mix. For us, the right controlled climate is the most important thing, without the right climate and temperature we cannot carry out the work as we wish. It should be 20 degrees regardless of the weather and wind on the inside of the house. Through Brinja's services, we can get a clear temperature picture and know exactly when we can do the different elements of the construction process".
Welcome Tuve Bygg, we at Brinja are really looking forward to our work going forward!
Read more about Project Bergfallet here: